Mystery Shopper Analysis
«Mystery Shopper»
— estimation method, used as the study and analysis of the real behavior of employees, aimed to estimate consumers’ experience, received by the client in the process of acquisition of goods or services. It also aimed to solve organizational tasks like, measure the level of compliance with the standards of customer service employees in the Company, etc.
«Mystery Shopper» estimation may include:
- Estimation of the work quality of employees in shops, offices, different services.
- Estimation of the service quality in competitors’ shops and offices.
- Development of recommendations for service quality improvement.
- Forming/modification corporative standards of service, sales, etc.
- Development of summary reports on results of inspections.
- Providing of qualitative voice or video recording of research.
Result: «Mystery Shopper» estimation method will help reliably estimate personnel’s work of your Company from the point of view real consumer who is not related person, friend, or employee.
That is why «Mystery Shopper» estimation method is chosen for getting the most objective information about quality of personnel’s work, inspection of compliance with the standards of service and getting impressions from interactions with employees of different levels in Company from your clients.