Tailored acted as one of the organizers and moderators of the first professional platform in St. Petersburg to discuss issues of compensation and benefits. A roundtable “COMPENSATIONS AND BENEFITS: TRENDS, INNOVATIONS AND DECISIONS OF 2012 ” was organized together with the Pulkovo Airport (“Vozdushnye Vorota Severnoy Stolitsy”) and the leading recruiting company EMG-Professionals.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the largest companies of Russia and the world such as Gazprom Neft, Kirovsky Factory, Baltika Breweries, OMZ, Heinz, Dorozhnoe Radio, BE&K, Park Inn, MTS, Silovye Mashiny, JTI, Amcor and many others. These companies participate in the formation of compensation and motivation policies.
Alisa Evsina, Head of the Compensation and Benefits Department of Pulkovo, presented a case “Modern Airport: A New Image of Compensation and Benefits” for group discussion. The working groups also discussed the issues of non-standard but relevant benefits and analysis of their effectiveness.
As a result of feedback all the participants voted in favor of organizing regular roundtable on motivation, compensation and benefits.